Introducing the perfect Dry Herb Vaporizer for beginners and budget-conscious consumers. Everything Arizer is known for in a slimmed down economical package: Quality & Performance, Smooth &...
The Arizer ArGo delivers a powerful punch in such a small package. This little fella has all the features that you've come to expect from Arizer, like borosilicate glass mouthpieces and...
Wholesale Glass Pipes The Rocker Steamroller is already virtually unspillable. The Rocker Steamroller with Silicone Skin is virtually unbreakable too. The glass Rocker Steamroller is encased in a...
Unleash the Full Potential of Your Vaping Sessions with the ORIGINAL Arizer Air Step into a world where vaping meets innovation with the Arizer Air. Crafted by the Canadian experts at...
ARIZER SOLO II FOR DRY HERB VAPING The Arizer Solo II is one of the best portable vaporizers for dry herb on the market today. This is the second iteration of the Arizer Solo, featuring a more...
Advanced, Elevated, and Refined Table Top Vaporizer Arizer has done the work so you don’t have to. The Arizer Way means high quality products that are safe, reliable, easy to use, efficient, and...