Things You May Not Know About Your Friendly Neighbourhood CBD

Things You May Not Know About Your Friendly Neighbourhood CBD

2021 Jul 6th

CBD Uses and Information

Here are few things you may not know CBD can help with!

  • Cigarette Addiction – when tested in a double-blind study, researchers found that using a CBD vape allowed some individuals (who were trying to quit smoking) to ween themselves off of cigarettes with no nicotine cravings.
  • Acne – due to the anti-inflammatory nature of CBD, research has found that plant-derived cannabidiol acts as an effective sebostatic – meaning it reduces sebum production/skin oils.
  • Fibromyalgia – often treated with anti-inflammatories, opioids, and/or corticosteroids, fibromyalgia is a serious disease often resulting in chronic musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. One study (published in the US National Library of Medicine) showed that half of patients in a 56 person study saw a noticeable reduction in their pain and symptoms while the other half did not report any major helpfulness.
  • PTSD – CBD is known to provide anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety responses when used, therefore it makes a great addition to those who suffer from this disorder – allowing those affected to relax and de-stress in a mentally stable environment.
  • Insomnia – not often a huge complaint, tiredness is one of the few side effects from CBD use – but for many users, this is actually what they are seeking. CBD allows one to relax and clear the mind from a stressful day, which aids in sleep without being habit-forming or making you feel like you've been hit by a bus the next day. If sleep is what you seek, look for an Indica strain high in CBD.

One of the most attractive tidbits of using CBD is that it lacks the high associated with its THC counterpart. When the two are combined (in, say, a 50/50 ratio) the CBD actually counteracts the psycho-activity associated with THC. What does this mean for the individual(s) wanting to try a high CBD strain? A calming effect that clears the mind but doesn't produce a head high as well as reductions of anxiety and paranoia.

What is CBD?

CBD is the short n' sweet acronym for cannabidiol – the largest chemical compound in herb itself – and studies show that the effects of CBD actually counteract the psychoactive effects of its THC counterpart.

Did you know that we already have cannabinoids in our bodies? Picture them like little soldiers fighting to keep your body in balance, or in other words, maintaining your bodies natural state of homeostasis. Everything on Earth with a vertebrate has an endocannabinoid system (or ECS, as it will be referred to from here on) that fights for them.

What does it mean to have little CBD “soldiers” fighting to keep your body's balance, you ask. Well, to make a long explanation short, the components that CBD strives to regulate include mood, memory control, pain reception, appetite, sleep, and the list goes on.

ECS, like many things in the body, wears with age. So, what is the best practice to help replenish your body? Take CBD!

Just like vitamins, you can't necessarily take too much/too many, but you can take too little.

The amount of CBD you need/can take depends on many factors like health, what you're looking to help, and just your tolerances. CBD's effects are experimental and subjective – so we can't say how much you should take. A nice starting point is to visit Below is a chart from their site to give you an idea of where to begin, and from here you can discover your best and most helpful dosage.

Have you tried CBD for anxiety, pain relief, or anything else?

Let us know your experiences in the comments!

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